The Journey

Susan has never been a classroom kind of girl. She’s learned through seeing, studying and being mentored, and that’s exactly how she came across the beauty of spiritual practices.

She became a part of a discipleship group that met one night a week with a two-year commitment. In her own words she says, ‘we ate, we shared, did bible study, and practiced prayer disciplines… it was a wonderful experience, and life changing for me.’ She learned so much being a part of this group, that after the two years, she ended up leading her own group. As time went on she ended up leading retreats at her church, which led her to creating The Emmaus Quest.

Spiritual practice has changed her relationship with God. ‘We are so much closer and in tune with each other now. I lead spiritual practice because I want people to experience what I've experienced. You know when you find that really good recipe, or a really good sale, and you want to share it with others, it's like that, but tons better.’

‘I do believe this is God’s purpose for me at this stage of my life, because no matter what, His way is the only way for me. His will, not mine...’

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